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Post-Summit Think-In: 2 March 2022

In-Person Event | London, UK


Re-Imagining Food Systems

Food Photography

How often do we get to rip up the rulebook and start again?


We’re giving you the chance to re-imagine the current food system in this special post-summit think-in on 2 March.


Led by advisor, speaker, and sustainable business commentator Mike Barry with a keynote from Nourishing Food Systems founder Duncan Williamson, the think-in will bring together a unique combination of participants from across the value chain.


Join ambitious and innovative change agents to:


  • be inspired

  • challenge the status quo

  • approach systemic challenges from a fresh perspective

  • unlock creativity and boundary-pushing solutions

  • share opportunities for bold action


Building on insights and innovations shared during the Future Food Systems global digital summit, the think-in will take a deeper look at the actions needed to deliver sustainable nutrition at scale, tackle climate change and create equity in the food system.




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